Board of Supervisors

The Town of Spider Lake Board of Supervisors must act in accordance with Wisconsin State Statutes and the Town of Spider Lake Comprehensive Plan.

The Board has both “town powers” and “village powers” as defined by the Wisconsin State Statutes.  Village powers allow the Town of Spider Lake to have zoning ordinances that differ from the County or State ordinances.

The Board of Supervisors is responsible for promoting the health, safety and wellbeing of the Town’s citizens by:

  • Establishing services required by the citizens
  • Establishing ordinances by which the citizens and visitors agree to abide
  • Assessing property values, creating and managing an annual budget, establishing the tax levy and collecting taxes
  • Overseeing the activities of all Town committees and the Plan and Review Commission
Town Board members are: 

The Board is comprised of an elected Chairman and four elected Supervisors. Two  Supervisors are elected in odd years and two are elected in even years.  Each supervisor serves for two years.  The Chairman is elected every other year and serves for two years.

The Board meets at least once per month on the second Wednesday of the month at 6PM. The Board is the final decision-making entity in the Town, and decisions are made by a majority vote of the Board.

All meetings are open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend and participate. The Board, however, limits the amount of citizen input to about 20 minutes, therefore citizens can discuss their concerns in much more detail at the committee level. Subscribe to updates to stay informed.