CAFO Ordinance
Facilities & Solid Waste Ordinances
Plan & Review Commission Ordinances

The Town of Spider Lake (TOSL) Ordinances and Resolutions implement the vision laid out in our Comprehensive Plan. They enable and support the Northwoods character we cherish. Specifically, they:
- Provide a framework to guide the Town government, property owners and visitor activities within the Town.
- Balance the rights of the community with individual property owner rights.
- Are "complaint-based", meaning if neighbors are not bothered by a resident/owner’s activities, there is no need to complain.
- Are adopted (after a public hearing) and administered by the TOSL Board of Supervisors, except for Land Use Ordinance 17-88 administered by the Plan and Review Commission (PRC).
- Differ in certain areas from County or State zoning requirements.
About Land Use Ordinance 17-88
TOSL Land Use Ordinance 17-88 is a treasure given to us by citizens who had the foresight to preserve and protect the natural assets of our town. This foresight is the reason the Town of Spider Lake has retained the unique Northwoods character that so many surrounding towns have lost.
Wisconsin State law mandates that no new land use ordinance be more restrictive than the WI statutes. Land Use Ordinance 17-88 is more restrictive in certain ways, but is “grandfathered” so the Town of Spider Lake is allowed to keep it.
Any change to the Land Use Ordinance must be carefully considered since certain changes would revoke its “grandfathered” status. This would ultimately result in our community losing its ability to preserve and protect the Northwoods character that we cherish.