What is a Comprehensive Plan?
Originally created in 2002 by 25 Town of Spider Lake (TOSL) community members – and updated again in September 2018 – the TOSL Comprehensive Plan provides a roadmap for the development of our community’s most precious and finite resource, the land itself.
Following guidance and regulation put forth by the state of Wisconsin, our current Comprehensive Plan:
- Defines the unique qualities which make up the “Northwoods Character” that we, as citizens of the TOSL, value in our community.
- Articulates how the “Northwoods Character” represents a valuable asset to our community.
- Represents our community’s vision for the development of our natural, social, and economic resources over the next 20 years.
- Contains a wealth of information about our Town and the significant factors affecting the quality of life for its residents. It includes information such as demographics, housing trends, natural resources, land use and the Town’s implementation plans. For example:
- The TOSL year-round population is roughly 345 in 2020
- There are roughly 1000 dwellings in TOSL, with roughly 200 occupied year-round
- The town’s land use is predominantly forestry and preserving this and our pristine lakes is a priority
Why is the TOSL Comprehensive Plan important?
The Plan is used by our community, especially the TOSL Board of Supervisors and the Plan and Review Commission (PRC), to make choices among the various options for community development. Wisconsin State Law requires that if a local government “enacts or amends” any of the following ordinances, the ordinance must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
- County, Village and Town zoning ordinances
- Shoreland, or wetlands in shorelands, zoning ordinances
- Official mapping ordinances
- Local subdivision ordinances
How can you be involved?
- Read the Comprehensive Plan
- Hold your elected officials accountable for adhering to the Comprehensive Plan
- Support TOSL Board members who will use the Comprehensive Plan as their decision-making guide
- Attend TOSL Board and PRC meetings and participate in the discussions
- Email your Town Supervisors and PRC members to share your perspective
- Encourage your neighbors to be informed about the Comprehensive Plan and issues being discussed by the PRC and the TOSL Board.