Register to Vote
There are two ways for you to register to vote:
- Visit
- Visit the Town of Spider Lake Clerk at the Town Hall
– Town Hall Hours: Fridays 10:00-3:00
– Phone: (715) 462-3977
Request an Absentee Ballot
You must include a copy of your photo ID in each of the following methods.
There are three ways to request an Absentee Ballot:
- Visit
- Download the Application for an Absentee Ballot here. Complete it and send it to the Town Clerk.
- Email, fax or mail a request to the Town Clerk. Requests must include the resident’s full name, permanent (registered) address, mailing address if different from the permanent address.
Available to help as a Poll Worker?
Town of Spider Lake election for Town Chair, Town Supervisor, Town Clerk and Town Treasurer is April 1, 2025. Voting takes place at the Town of Spider Lake Town Hall.
Absentee voting begins on March 11, 2025.
Absentee in-person voting will open March 18, 2025 and close March 30, 2025.
Clerk's hours are by appointment. Please email to make an appointment.