How We Govern

The Town of Spider Lake (TOSL) is governed by the Board of Supervisors. Supervisors are elected by the residents of the Town, and are responsible for promoting the health, safety and well-being of the Town’s citizens by:

  • Establishing services required by the citizens
  • Establishing ordinances by which the citizens and visitors agree to abide
  • Assessing property values, creating an annual budget, establishing the tax levy and collecting taxes
  • Overseeing the activities of all Town committees and the Plan and Review Commission.

The Board meets at least once per month on the second Wednesday of the month at 6PM.  All Board meetings are open to the public.

The Town Clerk and Town Treasurer are also elected officials. 

The Board has appointed four permanent committees, plus the Plan & Review Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, which do detailed evaluation of community needs and potential solutions.  The committees make recommendations to the Board.  Each committee is comprised of two Supervisors, the Chairman of the Board and taxpayers.  All committee meetings are open to the public. The committees are:

  • Health & Safety – establishes services, policies, and guidelines to promote the health and safety of all Town residents and visitors, in particular the Fire Dept. and emergency responders. This committee meets as needed.
  • Roads – establishes priorities for and oversees maintenance of all Town roads.  The committee also works in conjunction with the Forestry Service on the fire roads in the Town. This committee meets as needed.
  • Facilities & Solid Waste – ensures the Town has the physical facilities to required support its activities, e.g. the town hall, maintenance building, electricity, internet access, etc.  This committee also oversees the Waste Management and Recycling operation. This committee meets as needed.
  • Finance & Insurance – develops the Town budget in conjunction with the committee chairs, makes financing recommendations to the Board, ensures appropriate insurance coverage for the Town and its activities, and provides employee benefits. This committee meets as needed.
  • Plan & Review Commission (PRC) - drafts and updates the Town of Spider Lake’s Comprehensive Plan, and administers the Land Use and Uniform Dwelling Code Ordinances of the Town.  It meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00PM.
  • Zoning Board of Appeals - considers appeals filed by taxpayers who disagree with a decision(s) made by the PRC. This board meets as needed.

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