Plan & Review Commission

The Plan and Review Commission (PRC) is responsible for drafting and updating the Town of Spider Lake’s Comprehensive Plan, and for administering the Land Use/Zoning Ordinances of the Town.  As a Town with village powers, TOSL has its own land use and zoning ordinances, including shoreland zoning, which is more restrictive than WI State and Sawyer County zoning.

  • These ordinances are required by Wisconsin state law to be consistent with the TOSL Comprehensive Plan.
  • The PRC enforces the Town’s ordinances through evaluation of Land use/building permits, conditional use permits, and land subdivision. It also maintains the official Town Map.
  • The PRC meets once a month on the first Wednesday of the month at 6PM.  All meetings are open to the public.
  • The members of the PRC are appointed by the Chair of the Board of Supervisors with the approval of the Town Board.

The members of the PRC are: 

  • Sarah Delaney, Chairman
  • Tim Sheldon, Vice Chairman
  • Fred Haueter
  • Steve Smith
  • Don Becker
  • Jeff Tumbleson (Alternate)
  • To be filled (alternate)

Zoning Board of Appeals - Taxpayers who disagree with a decision(s) of the PRC may file an application to the Zoning Board of Appeals to appeal that decision. The members of the Zoning Board of Appeals Committee are appointed by the Chair of the Board of Supervisors. This board meets as needed.

The members of the Zoning Board of Appeals are:

  • Brad Schmidt, Chairman, (507)244-1062
  • Jeanine Evenson
  • John Grady
  • Tom Matthiae
  • Bob Dale
  • Karen Brokaw (alternate)